High Life Cover Star
Kisawa appears on the cover of British Airways' well loved inflight magazine
Thrilled to find Kisawa on the cover of British Airways High Life magazine’s, ‘Luxury Issue’. The bumper July/August publication explores what luxury means in 2023 and the trend towards sustainability, spiritualism and a more personalised, slow appreciation of environment and culture.
We are delighted to be included in the piece, thanks to Edo Mapelli Mozzi, CEO and founder of property developer Banda.
“My most luxurious trip is probably one I haven’t been on. My wife and I were due to go on our honeymoon in 2020 to Kisawa in Mozambique, but we were married right in the middle of the pandemic, so couldn’t travel”.
We look forward to welcoming Mr Mapelli Mozzi in the near future and are excited to be representing Mozambique in such a well thumbed global publication in the middle of peak Summer travel.