Introducing our Ayurveda Philosophy
Exploring the NWC's Ayurveda approach
As recently experienced by Vogue France, Kisawa’s Natural Wellness Center (NWC) relies on integrated medicine and includes wellness treatments based in Ayurveda – one of the world’s oldest forms of holistic medicine, combining massage therapies, energy and sound healing work, meditation, acupressure, yoga, reiki and breath work.
All are carefully brought together to allow guests to reconnect to the natural environment through whole body healing.
There are historical ties between India, South Asia and Mozambique, due to ancient Swahili trade routes (outlined in a fantastic book called “Empires of the Monsoon” for those interested). The history of Mozambique and the weaving of historical narratives carefully inspired Kisawa’s design, along with this core practice of the NWC.
As experienced by Jade Simon, editor of Vogue France, guests interested in holistic treatment are invited for a complimentary consultation with our wellness director:
“Wellness buffs naturally head to the spa, a zen sanctuary which introduces travellers to the concepts of Ayurveda.
After a detailed questionnaire, a standard profile is drawn up (kapha, pitta or vata) and with it holistic well-being protocols: Ayurvedic massage with hot oil, chakra rebalancing session using crystals, meditation, hatha and yin yoga, reiki, Himalayan sound bath, tai-chi…”
Wellbeing director, Jay Kapparath further expands;
“Kisawa’s NWC Concept is based on Pancha Mahabhutas. Panchamahabhuta are the five fundamental elements responsible for creation of the universe, including humans. Each individual has a unique panchabhuta constitution. This constitution remains in state of equilibrium in health and any imbalance results in disease. It is crucial for us to identify panchabhutik imbalance and develop customized programs and retreats to restore equilibrium“.