Whale Season is here
Witness these magical mammals on their annual journey
August 2022
July marked the official start of humpback whale migration season in the Bazaruto Archipelago. The team at BCSS have already witnessed many sightings, including a group of five male humpbacks escorting a female and calf, off the south of the island last week.
“These majestic marine nomads cover thousands of miles from high-latitude summer feeding grounds, where they take advantage of the food resources of vast swarms of krill that feed on the phytoplankton blooms, to low-latitude winter breeding grounds, with Mozambique Channel being one of those, where they mate, give birth, nurse, and then return,” Katya Kalashnikova, BCSS.
It is a fantastic season to visit Benguerra Island and witness the beauty of the humpback as they make their run along the Mozambique coastline over the next three months.